To aid the standardisation and calculation of cerebral autoregulation
Matlab TFA function
This function is a Matlab implementation of the TFA as specified in the White Paper (2015). An example of use on the supplied data (tfa_sample_data.txt) is given in tfa_demo.m and results are reported at the end of this report.
Documentation and Matlab Code: CARNet_software.zip
Prof. D. M. Simpson
R TFA package
Inspired by Prof. David Simpsons's matlab-script, Markus Harboe Olsen —with contributions from Christian Riberholt, Ronan Berg and Kirsten Møller— has created an R-package for the assessment of dynamic cerebral autoregulation using Transfer Function Analysis. This package achieved the same results using both the test-data provided by Prof. Simpsons and with 53 new recordings.
The package is available at: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/clintools/index.html.