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Research Network

A multi-disciplinary community of researchers from around the world focused on solving problems related to assessment of cerebral blood flow regulation. Our members benefit from attending our annual conferences, and participating in joint projects that enable us to answer important research questions together.

Abstract Background


The brain, more than any other organ in the body, requires a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients, as well as the removal of waste products. In healthy humans, this blood flow should stay approximately constant when blood pressure varies, and adapt to changes in energy consumption and carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in the blood, pressure inside the skull and other factors. This regulation of blood flow is achieved primarily by arterioles (small arteries) dilating and contracting, under the influence of multiple complex physiological control systems. Impairment of these systems may occur e.g. following stroke, trauma or anaesthesia, in premature babies or the elderly, and has been implicated in the development of subsequent brain injury. The non-invasive measurement of relevant physiological signals (blood flow, intracranial and blood pressure, CO2 levels, cerebral oxygen consumption etc.) is challenging and the subsequent assessment of the control systems even more so. Much also remains unknown about the physiology of blood flow control and the best clinical interventions to optimize patient outcome.


Cerebrovascular Research

Understanding and measuring the cerebrovascular system is a big challenge, and despite great clinical interest and much research effort, benefit to patients has so far been limited. CARNet therefore aims to bring the multidisciplinary research community working in this area together in order to promote and accelerate high quality research by:

  • Sharing data

  • Sharing methods, including experimental arrangements and data analysis

  • Share results, experiences and ideas

    CARNet aims to create an environment of trust, openness and confidentiality in which free discussion of scientific ideas, data and results can flourish.

Abstract Lines

CARNet in Numbers


Formation Year


Annual Meetings




Countries World Wide


Seminar series

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